Why Freedom Causes Anxiety

December 23, 2014
 By Alyssa
December 23, 2014
 By Alyssa

Why Freedom Causes Anxiety

We all think we want freedom, but when we actually have it, we realize it gives us more anxiety than we were expecting. This is because freedom means being flexible, and having the opportunity to choose in a situation, which ends up causing anxiety.

Most people aren’t comfortable with change, and making a decision means that something is being changed, which can generate anxiety. These people would rather have someone else or society make decisions for them, so when they have the freedom to make a decision, their anxiety increases.

Why is change so scary? Change often means loss, even if it’s in our best interest, which is why many individuals prefer predictable and familiar routines. Constant, familiar routines reduce anxiety, and are even used as a mechanism for calming people down. So while freedom is a wonderful thing, unless you’re prepared for it, it’s still something that can increase and cause anxiety.

Read the full story here :: Science of Choice – The Anxiety of Freedom

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