There have been several articles saying that early imaging can help detect and cure back pain, however that might not be the case. A recent study showed that early imaging in older adults within 6 weeks of a new primary care visit for back pain, had pain that was no different from similar patients who did not undergo early imaging.
Since many guidelines recommend that older adults undergo early imaging in order to prevent further damage, there is not strong enough evidence to support the recommendation. The article with the information on the study has tested 1,174 patients with early radiographs, and contrasts results with those who got them later on.
One researcher said, “Among older adults with a new primary care visit for back pain, early imaging was not associated with better 1-year outcomes. The value of early diagnostic imaging in older adults for back pain without radiculopathy is uncertain.”
Read the full story here :: Early Imaging for Back Pain in Older Adults Not Associated with Better Outcomes