Don’t let stress derail your weight goals – Toronto Sun

January 23, 2017
 By Alyssa
January 23, 2017
 By Alyssa

Don’t let stress derail your weight goals – Toronto Sun

A lot of us are trying to lose weight by leading a healthy lifestyle through eating right and exercising. However, we are often frustrated because despite our efforts our weight doesn’t seem to go down on the scale. Stress is the one of the main factors why you’re not losing the weight you want. In this article you will be informed about how stress is taking a toll on the body’s weight loss abilities and some tips on how you can de-stress and reach your weight goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stress is a major player in determining whether we see results in the weight-loss game. The key is to use stress hormones to our benefit rather than our detriment.
  • If our bodies think we are safe, our parasympathetic nervous system is at work. This is our “rest and digest” response. Imagine sitting in a chair and taking some nice deep breaths.
  • Your PNS is hard at work getting you to rest by lowering blood pressure, heart rate and lung effort. In addition, all organs involved in digestion and detoxification are stimulated.

“Stress is a major player in determining whether we see results in the weight-loss game. The key is to use stress hormones to our benefit rather than our detriment.”

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