How Coping with Stress Increases Health

February 18, 2015
 By Alyssa
February 18, 2015
 By Alyssa

How Coping with Stress Increases Health

Stress causes many health related issues without you even knowing it, which is why it’s important to learn how to cope with it. If you haven’t already looked into ways of coping with stress, this article has some easy to apply techniques. One of them is deep breathing for calming yourself when experiencing an acute stressor.

This is recommended because we tend to hold our breath or decrease our deep breathing when we are stressed, which increases carbon dioxide in our blood and causes more stress hormones. A few deep breaths can make you feel calm and more focused in seconds.

Another technique is humor for calming yourself when experiencing an acute stressor. This works because there are areas of the brain that become activated when we think something is funny. When those areas are activated, it decreases the release of stress hormones right away. They always say that laughter is the best medicine!

Read the full story here :: Increasing Our Ability to Cope With Stress Can Make Us Healthier

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