Classifying Lower Back Pain

March 24, 2015
 By Alyssa
March 24, 2015
 By Alyssa

Classifying Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints amongst adult health concerns, but no two cases are the same. The problem with the wide variety of types of back pain are what cause it to be so difficult to treat and cure. That’s why, the new concept of classifying back pain shows some promising outlooks.

If doctors and researchers are able to see patterns and group them together based on similar characteristics, it may be able to use it to influence their pain management. So far they are able to classify people based on underlying factors like disc disease or fear of movement.

There are also cases with multi-dimensional complexity which makes it harder to classify what actually causes the back pain. These cases make it harder to come out with a fully accurate treatment plan for back pain.

Read the full story here :: Classification of low back pain. Are we Winning?

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