Chronic pain can be lessened by an ‘out of body’ illusion

March 21, 2017
 By Alyssa
March 21, 2017
 By Alyssa

Chronic pain can be lessened by an ‘out of body’ illusion

Those who suffer from chronic pain know how debilitating it can be. This article explores a treatment for this condition that is recommended by some scientists called an Out of Body Illusion where the patient is given the illusion that they are outside their body. A very informative article, especially for those who suffer from chronic pain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Link between OBE and chronic pain
  • Tested participants simulating an OBE using a vr headset
  • They received pain to see if it reduced the pain felt during OBE

“Some scientists have suggested that the very vivid hallucination that is an OBE can sometimes serve an adaptive function by helping trauma victims to psychologically distance themselves from the pain and trauma of an accident.”

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