Causes of Neck Pain –

January 3, 2017
 By Alyssa
January 3, 2017
 By Alyssa

Causes of Neck Pain –

Neck pain is usually caused by sprains or strains to the muscles or ligaments in the neck. Poor posture and trauma are two probable causes of neck pain. Another cause is torticollis, which is when it hurts to turn your head side to side. Other common sources are spinal degeneration or radiculopathy, which is a type of nerve damage. There are a few more serious causes like cancer, or AIDS and these causes would require specialized treatments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Neck pain is most commonly caused by mechanical stress to the neck, such as strains or sprains to the muscles and ligaments in the neck.
  • Posture is an important factor for spinal health and preventing spine-related pain. Neck pain is more likely to affect people who spend a great proportion of their day in a bent-forward posture, such as those who work seated at a desk.
  • Some degeneration of the vertebrae and spinal discs may occur as part of the normal aging process. It is for this reason that recurring or persistent neck pain is more common among elderly individuals.

“Some degeneration of the vertebrae and spinal discs may occur as part of the normal aging process. It is for this reason that recurring or persistent neck pain is more common among elderly individuals.”

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