‘No email after 6pm’: your advice on how to reduce workplace stress – The Guardian

January 30, 2017
 By Alyssa
January 30, 2017
 By Alyssa

‘No email after 6pm’: your advice on how to reduce workplace stress – The Guardian

Never being able to switch off from technology used to cause me stress at work. Learning to breathe properly is a small change that has remarkable effects in helping to cope with stressful periods. Working in academia, the most stressful aspects of my job include unnecessary bureaucracy; very tight deadlines and not getting enough thinking and research time. My new job made me realize work isn’t meant to be so stressful Having experienced an extremely stressful role, I think it takes a lot to realize that work just isn’t supposed to be like that.

‘No email after 6pm’: your advice on how to reduce workplace stress – The Guardian

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