Las Vegas Furniture Market – January 2024

February 5, 2024
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
February 5, 2024
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Las Vegas Furniture Market – January 2024

I spent a day on January 30th attending the Las Vegas Furniture Market. It is a twice yearly event that brings furniture distributors from all over the world to show their wares and find retailers for their furniture. My objective this year was to visit Cozzia, Infinity, and Osaki.

I visited Michael Milone at the Infinity booth and had a great visit with him and my colleague, from Massage Chair Planet, Adam Gordon. Infinity has always had a solid line up of chairs, built in a very good Chinese factory, backed up with great customer support for our customers and us, as a retailer.

infinity massage chairs  I am the short one (you’ll see that is a recurrent theme!).

Then I visited the Cozzia/Ogawa booth and spent some time with John Cribbs, Cozzia VP of national sales. He went over the new Ogawa Master Drive DUO, announced the week before. This model is the first split track offering from the Ogawa company and factory. I spent some time sitting on it, experiencing it’s feature set, with guidance from John. It offers a great massage with smooth rollers and a quiet overall massage. John will be my next guest on Massage Chair Relief LIVE! stream on February 15th at 3:00 pm ET. We will have him talk about the new DUO model and other things. Please feel free to attend and ask any questions or submit any comments. It can be viewed at and

As an aside, the Cozzia name also covers Ogawa, JPMedics, Brookstone, and Ergotec massage chair lines.

I had lunch with Cathy Lou and Dale Shepherd from Human Touch. As you recall, they were our guests on our January edition of the Massage Chair Relief LIVE! stream. In that broadcast, they talked about their new Super Novo X. In my video from CES, I sat in that new model for a demo and was quite impressed with it. During lunch we chatted some more about the X. It should be available at the end of this quarter. It is an innovative chairs in a couple of very convenient ways, i.e. opening arm rests for easy access to the chair, as well as interchangeable side panels and chair pads so that you can change the primary colors of your chair anytime you wish. I am very curious to see how the new options are received.

My last visit was to the Osaki booth. I didn’t get much of an opportunity to talk to the rep there because from the minute I walked in, I ended up talking shop with other chair retailers, who also happened to be visiting the Osaki booth at the same time. Most of the models that Osaki had on display were models we were already quite familiar with, like the Admiral, the DuoMax, and the Solis, so I didn’t feel like I missed out on anything new.

I met Joanne Walters, from Wish Rock Relaxation out of Colorado, as well as Giovanni Alba from Relax in Comfort in Florida, Nick Wayda from Relax in Comfort in Utah, and Gokhan Guvener of Massage Chairs and More in the Bay Area. Lots of massage chair knowledge and representation in that group of folks.

Again, the short one!
It was a very busy day, as I flew to Las Vegas and back home to Utah in the same day. We will notify you if and when we get the Ogawa Master Drive DUO and Human Touch Super Novo X in our showroom.

Dr. Alan Weidner

Massage Chair Relief

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