When it comes to things that no one ever wants to have to go through, back pain fall into the category of things that no one ever want to have to think about or go through in their life. However when it comes to cycling back pain there are some ways in which you can beat it. This article offers you the insight and a more in depth look into beating cycling back pain.
Key Takeaways:
- ‘Back pain is the biggest cause of medical care in the world. It’s the number one reason for people to go to their doctor,’
- ‘Evidence suggests that compliance with physio exercise goes off a cliff after about a week,’ says Burt. ‘We’re trying to manage back pain. I don’t think you can ever actually fix someone. Once you’ve got a bad back, it’s there for life. It’s about how you manage it.’
- Has the problem gone? Of course not. My discs are still damaged and I still get aches and pains, but I’m no longer looking to someone else (usually a surgeon) to provide the solution. I have taken responsibility for my own condition, and I’ve learned to accept that I have a life-long commitment to look after my spine. After all, it’s got my back.
“‘Back pain is the biggest cause of medical care in the world. It’s the number one reason for people to go to their doctor,’”