Alleviating neck and shoulder pain by professional manipulation and acupuncture – Galway Advertiser

March 27, 2017
 By Alyssa
March 27, 2017
 By Alyssa

Alleviating neck and shoulder pain by professional manipulation and acupuncture – Galway Advertiser

Neck and shoulder pain are common complaints among people. Some people only exclusively have neck pain, or shoulder pain. Others experience pain in other areas. Symptoms vary from person to person. Most of them lead regular lives, but some cannot work at all due to the immense pain. Neck pain can be cause by problems with the spine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some people with back and shoulder pain are unable to work and are limited in their capabilities, disrupting their quality of life.
  • Traditional Chinese medical acupuncture and manipulation (meridian acupressure ) is one optional treatment for these conditions.
  • These treatments can reduce the doses of painkillers needed and even avoid the need for medication or surgery altogether.

“Some people experience only neck pain or only shoulder pain, while others experience pain in both areas.”

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