A Great Massage Chair Question… And My Answer

August 6, 2008
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
August 6, 2008
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

A Great Massage Chair Question… And My Answer

I received a good question from one of my website visitors yesterday. He lives in England and asked a question that probably a lot of folks have…about low back pain, sciatica, and degenerative disc disease, and which massage chair would be most suitable. Below is the question and my response. I hope it assists you in some way…

Hello Dr Weidner,

I am 54 years old, fit and not overweight, but my surgeon has told me i have degenerative disc disease. I regular get bouts of sciatica in the legs usually after playing tennis or doing gardening activities and always suffering with stiffness in the back (stretching helps me very much).


Could you please advice which chair would be most helpful with my condition.

(I would want it situated in my very contempory lounge


Kind regards


Hello, again, S.D.!
Thanks for the information. Sciatica has always been a difficult condition to handle, since it can be secondary to severe muscle spasm, herniated disc, or degenerative arthritis.

The Sogno is a delightful chair, but what makes it so interesting is this new Dream Wave technology. I am including a link to my site where a video of the chair is available. Take a look at how the seat shifts and the hip airbags work the hips. The chair, at the same time, also rotates the lumbar spine one way and then the other, while the seat is shifting and the hips are being massaged. It is certainly the most thorough of any massage chair in this area that I have ever seen.

Here is the link: http://www.massage-chair-relief.com/sogno_massage_chair.html
(Just click on the “product video” section and enjoy.)

While I was in practice, I always had a concern with other massage chairs, that the buttock and sacroiliac joints didn’t
get the attention they deserved. This Sogno is the first to take a decent stab at it.
Also, the Sogno is the most contemporary looking massage chair I have ever seen.

Now, having said that about the Sogno, let me talk a little bit about the anti/zero gravity massage chairs, the HT-7450 by Human Touch and the Sanyo 6700. These chairs were born of the decompression fad going on here in the US. Spinal decompression is all the rage for low back pain sufferers, particularly those of discogenic origin (disc problems). Human Touch and Sanyo have taken that decompression idea and coupled it with regular massage chair function. It is a novel idea and my clients seem to love it. I have the HT-7450 in my showroom and on the website, but the Sanyo 6700 is only on my website. I have never sat in the 6700. We sell quite a few of them. The idea of these chairs is to tilt the whole body back, by reclining the chair back AND tilting the seat up to about 45 degrees. Most other chairs have a reclining back of course, but the seat normally stays horizontal. The antigravity chairs tilt evetything back…almost to the point where you feel like the chair is going to slide you off the back! It opens up – decompresses – the back, particularly the low back.

You can take a look at the images through the links below to see if they look contemporary enough. The HT-7450 can look like an executive office chair when it is upright. The Sanyo looks like a pretty traditional massage chair.


I will get a shipping quote later today for the Sogno. If you would like a shipping quote for any of these other chairs, let me know. By the way, the Sogno ships in two boxes, whereas the other two models ship in one.

Dr. Alan Weidner

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